The archery match math puzzle
In an archery match between three, target had scoring areas as 16, 17, 23, 24, 39 and 40 for the bull's eye hit only once. Total scores were...Read on...
In an archery match between three, target had scoring areas as 16, 17, 23, 24, 39 and 40 for the bull's eye hit only once. Total scores were...Read on...
If tail of a fish weighs 125gms, head as much as tail and half the body, and the body as much as the head and tail together, what is the weight of the fish?
A man paid one half money in a shop. Coming out he discovered that he had just as many paise as he had rupees before he went in and half as on...
In ten barrel face number riddle, rearrange ten barrels in a pyramid so that sum of face numbers of four barrels on each outer side is equal and minimum.
Four hunters bagged four animals each with a point score. Total 18 points scored and you are given clues to find number of animals bagged. Time 15 mins.
If I deal some cards among four, three cards remain. If I deal among three, two remain and if I deal among five, two cards remain. How many cards are there?
In a city of known number of residents find the minimum number of heads with same number of hairs when maximum number of hairs is also known. Read on...
Practice on 10 selected Number system questions for SSC CGL Set 12, verify your performance from answers and learn to solve quickly from solutions.
Find area of equilateral triangle if side length of smallest of 3 squares inscribed in the triangle on top of each other is 1. It needs a bit of math.
World's hardest easy geometry problem is to be solved by elementary geometry only and that makes it hard. Hint: Increase symmetry in the puzzle figure.