
The Sun is beyond us

thumb_The sun is beyond us

Noon passed. I finished part of my work after lunch and looked up. What happened? Already day end? All my windows were open and the light gradually dimmed while I worked, I didn't notice. How long am I working?...

Cockroaches and humans

thumb Cockroaches and humans

Homo-sapiens can be considered to be the most aggressive of all animal life forms on earth. They not only kill all other life for need and for pleasure, they also kill millions of themselves directly or indirectly. There is no other single species of life on earth as dangerous as the humans...

New Talk Old talk


She said to me, “Tell me new things”.

We say things, talk, converse, gossip. Among friends, with a friend one-to-one, with our dear ones, with colleagues in workplace and with numerous other people like the shopkeeper, fellow traveler, bus conductor, doctor and so on...

Windows and doors

Windows and doors

I stood by my open narrow window. It was raining. Rain spears falling straight to soft mother earth, to the green leaves and to the roofs of the buildings yonder. Thin spears…it was rainy season…softly falling raindrops, making the whole world seem soft wet and comfortable. Dryness is lack of life. I projected myself through the narrow window...



The view went on increasing its bounds. I could visualize in a few moments the heaps of houses in my crowded city, then the expanse of green countryside, on and on, up and away, the earth became a small spot in my viewscape...

Mind walk

thumb_Mind walk

I stopped short and looked into my mind. It was not a good sight. At best it was a tolerable chaos—boulders and potholes strewn around with a few pleasant oasis, green and cool, restoring overall peace. A noticeable path zigzagged all the way to horizon. It was not an arrow-straight metal road...

In search of a bit of soil

thumb_Search for soil

SOIL is the thin layer of earth's crust which serves as a natural medium for growth of plants. Soil is the birthplace for plants. And plants are essential for the life of all other life on earth including humans. Reasons are known even by children...

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