Meet the challenge and crack the code to open the number lock. More challenge - solve the hard 5 digit number lock puzzle using least number of clues.
Hard 5 digit number lock puzzle with 82619 in clues: Crack the Code
Find the 5 digit code from the clues to open the number lock:
Clue 1: Code 8 2 6 1 9 : Two digits correct both wrongly placed.
Clue 2: Code 4 7 5 3 0 : Three digits correct but in wrong place.
Clue 3: Code 8 6 3 0 2 : Two digits correct, one rightly placed.
Clue 4: Code 9 1 7 0 4 : Two digits correct and in right place.
Clue 5: Code 7 0 6 2 9 : One digit right and in its place.
Your time to solve: 30 minutes.
Solution to the hard number lock puzzle with 82619 in clues
Identify three incorrect digits for the first breakthrough
From Clues 4 and 5, digits 0, 7 and 9 are incorrect:
Clue 4: Code 9 1 7 0 4 : Two digits correct and in right place.
Clue 5: Code 7 0 6 2 9 : One digit right and in its place.
- If digit 9 were correct in Clue 4, its position in Clue 5 would have been 1st as the only correct digit. As it is not so, digit 9 is incorrect.
- By the same logic, digits 7 and 0 are incorrect as well.
- From Clue 4, digits 1 and 4 are correct, taking 2nd and 5th place in the correct code.
- From Clue 5, one of the two digits 2 or 6 is correct in its place.
Identify three correct digits at one go
With digits 0 and 7 identified incorrect, from Clue 2, digits 4, 5, 3 must be correct.
Clue 2: Code 4 7 5 3 0 : Three digits correct but in wrong place.
- Out of the five, 0 and 7 are wrong. Remaining digits 4, 5 and 3 must be right.
Breakthrough in fixing the digit in 3rd position
From Clue 3, digit 3 must be in 3rd position.
Clue 3: Code 8 6 3 0 2 : Two digits correct, one rightly placed.
- Digit 3 is correct and one of the digits 2 or 6 is correct.
- As both positions of digits 6 and 2, positions 2nd and 5th, are already occupied by digits 1 and 4, the correct one among these two must be the digit in wrong position.
- Digit 3 must then be the other correct digit in right position of 3rd place.
Correct code is of the form: ? 1 3 ? 4.
Identify the fifth correct digit and discover the correct code
From Clue 5, the fifth correct digit is 2.
Clue 5: Code 7 0 6 2 9 : One digit right and in its place.
- Either 2 or 6 is correct and is in its place. Between the 3rd and 4th places in the correct code, only 4th place is available.
- Digit 2 must then be the fifth correct digit and is in 4th place.
- Already identified correct digit 5 takes the 1st place.
Solution: Code to open the number lock is 5 1 3 2 4.
Verify the code against the five clues.
The Clue 1 need not be used at all. The solution uses least number of clues.
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