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Bank PO

SBI PO type hard facing away circular seating reasoning puzzle solved in confident steps 8

thumb_sbi po type hard facing away circular seating resoning puzzle solved 8

This is the 8th session on solving a SBI PO type high level reasoning puzzle in a few easy and confident steps without confusion. Eight students studying eight subjects seating on a round table but facing away from the center is not an easy puzzle to solve...

SBI PO type high level circular seating reasoning puzzle solved in confident steps 4


This is the fourth session on solving a SBI PO type high level reasoning puzzle in a few easy and confident steps without confusion. Logic table adapted for round table and strategic selection of logic conditions for execution enable quick solution without confusion for this circular seating reasoning puzzle with a special characteristic...

How to solve high level circular seating reasoning puzzles for SBI PO in confident steps 5


For solving high level SBI PO type Circular sitting arrangement reasoning puzzles with same ease, in this session we'd adapt the compact logic table representation and strategic logic statement execution methodology we had used in solving family relations, floor stay and other varieties of high level reasoning puzzles in earlier sessions...

SBI PO type high level reasoning puzzle solved in a few confident steps 3

thumb_SBI PO type high level reasoning puzzle solved in a few confident steps 3

This is the third session on solving a SBI PO type high level reasoning puzzle in a few easy and confident steps without confusion. Minimal form of logic table along with strategic selection of logic conditions for execution enable quick solution without confusion for this 3 object set assignment problem with a twist...

How to solve a difficult SSC CGL level Profit and loss problem in a few steps 4

thumb_How to solve difficult SSC CGL profit loss problems in a few steps 4

Basic profit and loss concepts though are simple, which of the price values to be used as reference for applying profit or discount percentages sometimes create doubts. Further, the free offer concept and easily visible option for calculation of actual price values not only complicates the situation, but introduces harmful calculation delay...

Basic and rich concepts on Simple interest and Compound interest

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Simple interest for a year is the percentage rate of interest applied on the initial amount invested and it is fixed year to year. On the other hand, Compound interest is the percentage rate of interest applied on the amount available at the beginning of the year, and not at the beginning of the investment period...


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